Saturday, April 2, 2011


Well after settling Brandy and Brennan in to their new quarters, I came in and listened to my phone messages. One of them was as follows; "I saw your ad for a bottle lamb. How much are you willing to pay for one". To say the least, I was totally put off. The next message was from the fellow we had purchased Stella from wondering if we'd been able to find another (he was looking for one for us too, but hadn't found anything). I returned his call first, and told him about Brandy. He was glad we'd found Katie a lamb. I told him about the other message on my machine and he said "Yeah some people will just pull a lamb from an ewe for some one to bottle feed if they can get dollars for it".

My daughter wanted me to call the guy about the lamb. She likes Brandy but a weaned lamb is certainly not the responsibility of a bottle lamb. I decided to call and see what this fellow was all about, fully expecting the worst. I called and he told me he had an ewe who had triplets, who didn't have a lot of milk and that she wasn't a great mother to begin with so he was supplementing the feeding. Fair enough, "how much did he want for one?" He asked me if I wanted just one or a couple."No", I said "One's enough". "I got twenty-five for my last ones he said". Ok I thought, so he's not trying to get rich selling bottle lambs. "Do you have a ewe lamb", I asked. "Yes all three are ewes". "Are they hair sheep". "Yes, a mouflon cross". Ok, at this point I wanted pictures, which he went out and took. He sent a few they looked sort of cute but in a funny way so I asked for some head shots so we could pick one. And this is what we received:

Okay she's irresistible. It turns out the fellow had a friend visiting him right then who lived just 5 minutes away from us so we agreed to take a lamb and we would pick her up at the friend's house. They'd text us when she was leaving. Katie asked a million times "has she left yet". Finally she left and was on her way. We met the friend Tina at her house a little while later and the lamb is darling-even more friendly than Stella, definitely what we need to heal the hurt.

So that ends our day, with three wonderful new additions to our little farm.

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