About Us

Neighborly place kind of sums up what we want our farm to be - a neighborly place.  We currently have two locations-one in Bailey, CO located in the Rocky Mountains at 8800 feet, and the other in Gainesville, TX.

My husband and I are really displaced Canucks.  The cold Canadian winters really hampered our ability to pursue our passion for horses, you see, in Ontario without an indoor arena, you can really only ride for about six months a year.  We started to look for a place with an indoor arena but soon realized that if we bought or built such a facility we might be stuck with it for the rest of our lives. Was it really what we wanted? The alternative was to move South, and that's what we did and why we moved to Texas.  Texas is a great place to raise horses.

We sometimes jest that "we've finally thawed out" and now the hot humid Texas summers are getting annoying.  It seems each year there are more and more days over 100 degrees.  Perhaps we could stand a little more winter, and a little less broiling summer heat. Hence our decision to look for property in front range Colorado. In 2011 we finally found our dream location in CO.

We have missed the community spirit of where we lived in Ontario...and hope to find it again in our new homestead.  We miss the bickering neighbors, the fueds and the gossip and the community that cared about us even though we were relative newcomers.

Contact Info: Carolyn  Miller 720-924-6455 or email us